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Bed skirt Gunhild Rock 280x280cm

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39.890 kr.

A bed skirt instantly transforms your bedroom into a calm space. Give yours a streamlined and on-point look with Gunhild from byNORD. It is made of linen and has been stonewashed to give it an extra soft but still tactile feel. Because the overall look matters, use the bed skirt to cover the box spring and bed frame to conceal the feet and what you have stored underneath your bed. The wide Oxford frame adds the finishing touch to the bed skirt which makes your bed look well put together. Pair it with our bed linen in a similar neutral and timeless grey colour or a different colour for a unique twist. If you like, the bed skirt also makes a wonderfully light bedspread.

Material: Linen

Vörunúmer: 561112030 Flokkar: , , Merkimiðar: ,


Holtagörðum, 2. hæð
104 Reykjavík


Mán–fös: 10:00 – 18:00
Lau: 11:00 – 16:00
Sun: Lokað


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