15% afsláttur af öllum vörum nema tilboðsvörum með kóðanum kosi15


Blómapottur m/bakka Julian brún 24x22cm

Á lager

9.995 kr.

A rustic surface can do wonders for a planter. Just take a look at Julian from House Doctor. The large stoneware planter has been given a dark brown glaze with subtle imperfections and is finished with striped detailing carved into the material. You get a casual and timeless piece of décor that blends in nicely with your current interior style. Place Julian on your windowsill together with other planters and vases with smooth surfaces to create a balanced display. Because the material is somewhat porous, the planter comes with a saucer. Also available in smaller sizes and other colours. Finish and colour may vary.

Stoneware, Glaze

Finish/Colour may vary
Clean with a moist cloth

Vörunúmer: 210140542 Flokkar: , , Merkimiði:


Holtagörðum, 2. hæð
104 Reykjavík


Mán–fös: 10:00 – 18:00
Lau: 11:00 – 16:00
Sun: Lokað


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