15% afsláttur af öllum vörum nema tilboðsvörum með kóðanum kosi15


HALA – skálar, 4stk

Á lager

5.495 kr.

Stærð: h:6,5cm, b:12cm
Efni: steinleir

“For ramen soup, noodles or any other dish you crave. This set of 4 bowls from Nicolas Vahé is your new go to, not only for dinner but for breakfast, dinners and all sorts of desserts as well. Set a casual table with these bowls as the relaxing but still colourful detail. Their smooth glaze is one you can’t help but look at and touch. And it makes your dish look good, too.”

Vörunúmer: 106261005 Flokkar: , , Merkimiði:


Holtagörðum, 2. hæð
104 Reykjavík


Mán–fös: 10:00 – 18:00
Lau: 11:00 – 16:00
Sun: Lokað


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