15% afsláttur af öllum vörum nema tilboðsvörum með kóðanum kosi15


Line kökudiskur – svart/brúnt

Á lager

1.950 kr.

Stærð: h:2cm, b: 19,5cm
Efni: “Stoneware” keramik

Má fara í uppþvottavél.
Má fara í örbylgjuofn en ekki í ofn.

Sometimes a casual design is everything you need. Use the Line plate from House Doctor for breakfast, the well-deserved slice of cake in the afternoon or a small lunch. Made of stoneware, the black plate is completed with stripes for a laid-back look you can mix with your existing plates, bowls and glasses. The stripes are a welcome addition to plain dinnerware as it adds interesting detailing and simply breathes new life into it

Vörunúmer: 206264001 Flokkar: , Merkimiðar: , , , ,


Holtagörðum, 2. hæð
104 Reykjavík


Mán–fös: 10:00 – 18:00
Lau: 11:00 – 16:00
Sun: Lokað


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