15% afsláttur af öllum vörum nema tilboðsvörum með kóðanum kosi15


Styttu listaverk Two sitting svört 9x9h:35cm

Á lager

3.500 kr.

Give your living room a unique twist with this art piece from House Doctor. Two Sitting, as it is called is hand carved from mango wood and sits on a marble base. There is a fine balance between the black figure and smooth, white marble. Together they make up a unique piece of décor for your windowsill, shelving unit or side board. Combine it with vases and décor in the same colours for a monochrome display or let it stand out and be noticed on its own. As Two Sitting is handmade, the finish and colour may vary.


Holtagörðum, 2. hæð
104 Reykjavík


Mán–fös: 10:00 – 18:00
Lau: 11:00 – 16:00
Sun: Lokað


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